What is a replica wheel?

What is a replica wheel?

Posted by Kyle Fiveash on Feb 9th 2021

One of the most common questions we get is “what do you mean by a replica wheel?” In short, the answer is that replica wheels are just like original equipment wheels but don’t have the OEM branding or part number. OEM wheels are produced exclusively for the vehicle manufacturers to go on their new vehicles. There are many different wheel manufacturers that produce replica wheels. Some of these wheels may even be produced in the same plants as OEM wheels. At EZDealin, we select our replica wheel wholesalers carefully. We only deal with the best companies that produce top quality wheels.

Every replica wheel that we sell is built to OEM specifications. However, replica wheels have many more options then OEM wheels. A variety of sizes and finishes are offered to help make your truck stand apart from the rest. You can maintain a stock look without looking like every other Chevy Silverado on the road. The finish on these wheels are easy to maintain and hold up great in all types of weather.

Ok, so they look awesome, but are they safe? I have a wife and three sons. I trust these wheels to run on my truck and my wife’s SUV. In many years of being in the wheel business, I have not had any wheel we have sold have a structural malfunction. I trust these wheels with the life of my wife and kids and wouldn’t hesitate to suggest our replicas on your family’s vehicle.

One final advantage of replica wheels over most aftermarket wheels is that they work with original tire pressure sensors and lug nuts. We get calls all the time from people who purchased aftermarket wheels that can’t find lug nuts that work with their wheels. Every replica we sell works with OEM lug nuts. We also sell those lug nuts and tire pressure sensors so you can get the complete package from us!

So, when you buy replica wheels from EZDealin, know that you are buying the best. You are buying a product we trust to carry our family around. You are buying a product that holds up great in all conditions. And you are buying a product that we will stand behind and give you the best customer service available.